Research and Development Projects
- ChatGEO: Forging Trust in Spatial Semantic Document Retrieval (2024-current)
- Develop a novel spatial semantic document retrieval system
- Utilize GenAI and NLP techniques to improve the efficiency of document retrieval
- Enhance the trustworthiness of the retrieved documents
- ACYWA: Australian Child and Youth Wellbeing Atlas (2024-current)
- Use map to visualize the wellbeing of children and young people in Australia
- Empowers researchers, non-government, state and federal organisations
- Identify priorities for child health and wellbeing research and initiatives in meaningful and cost-effective ways.
- GAMES: Green Asset Management and Evaluation S ystem (2021-2022)
- Developed an innovative system for evaluating environmental rehabilitation progress of mining sites
- Finalist for the 31st INCITE Awards (Research & Innovation Project of the Year)
Commercial Projects
- Salix: AI based coronary artery disease evaluation platform (2021-2023)
- Deep learning based AI solution for rapid and accurate diagnosis of coronary artery disease
- Improve the efficiency of Radiologists and Cardiologists
- Save lives by early detection of heart diseases
- ATLYST: Revolutionary traffic data management platform (2019-2021)
- Cloud-based traffic data management platform for traffic engineers and urban planners
- Traffic data visualization and reporting
- Traffic data sharing and collaboration
- Traffic data quality assurance
- Traffic survey planning and execution
- RoadPod VM: Revolutionary Real-Time traffic data collection solution (2019-2021)
- Real-time traffic data collection and analysis
- Rapid installation and deployment
- Permanent sites powered by solar energy
- Reliable and accurate traffic data
- Revolutionary solution for traffic data collection
Personal Projects
- Know your community from data perspective (2021-current)
- Latest and keep updated crime statistics for WA suburbs
- School catchment areas and school performance data
- ABS Census data for population, income, and housing
- Insights generated from existing data
- AI powered Chatbot for answering questions regarding crime statistics.